
Kidbox: Back to School size 5 Review

Time for another Kidbox review! My last box was quite a miss, but I had hopes the Back to School box would be better, and they delivered! Which was a good thing, because my daughter just got into size 5 and needed some more clothes. I've reviewed quite a few Kidboxes now, and my current overall rating for the subscription is 15/20. It's better than the average kid sub, risk free to try (you can return a box you hate with no shipping cost either way,) and has a pretty good discount of 50%, or more, off retail if you keep a whole box. It isn't perfect, sometimes styling seems pretty off, but the risk-free nature means I can send back the misses and try again. This box was pretty great, I'd give it an 17/20! We kept it all. For those of you unfamiliar with Kidbox, they are a kid's clothing sub that puts out about 6 boxes a year. Each box contains a nice selection of brands and 6 or more individual items (I've gotten as many as 11 individual pieces.) Som

KIDBOX: Summer 'Bonus' Box review

Overall: 6 out of 20. Not the best box as I will get into. Kept a few items, the rest returned. Because of this I am going to drop the overall score of the regular KIDBOX subscription from 17/20 to 14/20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've actually ordered quite a few boxes from kidbox since my last reviews (two baby boxes and a limited edition) but this is the first "Regular" box I've ordered since the New Year's box. Well, sort of regular. This was billed as a special "bonus" box that would have two extra products beyond the normal 6-7 invoice items. As I've talked about in past reviews, invoice items can sometimes be sets, so my boxes have actually ranged from 6-11 individual pieces while all being 6-7 invoice items. My latest box was for my nephew. Unlike past boxes, I did not email a list of specific notes to but let my style quiz not

Review Graze - First box!

Overall: 3/20 Graze is a monthly 'snack' subscription. You rate snacks you would love or hate to try on the website, and then they select 8 snacks a month to send to you for $14.99. They try to balance out the variety (protein, energy, vitamins, etc.) along with the preferences you rated to send a good mix. They even send a sheet with nutrition information! Portions are usually a decent size. But at almost $2 a snack, one would expect these snacks to be pretty good - unfortunately the reality of the snacks falls far below the expectation. I don't recommend this subscription at this time. I went through a promo code for my first box - I was supposed to get a free variety 4-pack, then my first box after would be discounted to $11.99. However, my 4 pack never came, and I actually forgot I'd even signed up until my first 8-pack came. I was pretty disappointed to not get the free pack to try before my first box came, as I might have decided to cancel then. I actual

Review: - Online Thrift Store (Baby Clothes order)

Overall score: 15 out of 20 (Above average; good condition clothes; good value) For the most part, I'm stocked on kid's clothes. I just had my third baby girl, so I don't need to worry about boys clothes for now. I've acquired a lot via hand-me-downs, thrift stores, clearance purchases, and new clothes now and then from KIDBOX or my favorite Online Boutique the Hair Bow Company. But for whatever reason, I don't have many 18 month clothes! My first breezed through the 18 months and went into the 2s fast, so I might just not have noticed that I was low in that size. My second is now 16 months and needs to wear the 18 month clothes. But I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg getting her some more clothes, either. I spent some time browsing clearance sales online but realized that if I wanted to get her more than a few outfits I needed to find something cheaper. Enter It's a site I've been aware of for a while, but I've never mad

Kidbox - Third box review! (New Years, 2019)

I decided to order a second New Year's box since the last was underwhelming - and I'm glad I did! I put a reminder for them to check my emailed notes when doing the style quiz. It definitely looks like they paid attention. We kept the whole box. Styling wasn't 100% spot on as one item was very opposite of what I asked for, but I'm comfortable raising the rating back up to a very good 17/20. I probably won't need any more boxes soon as we have plenty of size 4 clothes now, but I plan to get more once she is into the 5s and possibly for gifts for other relatives. I covered what the subscription is and cost/shipping/etc. in my first two blog posts on it, so in this blog post I am going to take a closer look at the actual clothes we got. Not all pictures will be perfect as my just-turned-three toddler doesn't like to stay still for pictures ;) Each Kidbox comes smartly packaged in a cardboard box with Kidbox splashed across the side. My daughter knows when th